Tips For Healthy Eyes

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Tips For Healthy Eyes
eye care, eye care professionals, better eyesight,  improve eyesight, foods for eye health, healthy eyes
KayaWell Expert

We are blessed to have the five significant organs that help us in communicating with the environment. Among all the bestowed organs, the Eyes play the most significant part. All organs are imperative in their ways, but eyes capture 80% of impressions. Thus, eye care becomes the crucial element to be able to perceive things. Therefore, it becomes essential to take care of the eyes just like the other organs. The article dedicates enough information on how to get better eyesight. Moreover, the article expresses important details on eye care professionals. So, let's get started. 

Eyecare is keeping the eyesight in check or taking care of eyes by following necessary instructions. It is like taking a protein-rich diet, not applying too much makeup, washing eyes with cold water in the morning, etc. There are a few tips and tricks which help you maintain proper eyesight. Now comes the point, what should be the proper eyesight? Or what is eyesight?


Sight means to be able to see things near or far. So eyesight is seeing the mother earth and its elements from our most prominent body organ, Eyes. Every person in this world is born with some eyesight measurements. 

For a healthy person, the eyesight should be 20/20, or we can say six by six. The visual clarity means a healthy person with the above said eyesight could see clearly at 20 feet. But with the growing technological aspect, working on desktops & laptops, dependency on cell phones, and lack of proper diet, many people lack this sharpness. 

What Are The Essential Tips To Follow For Maintaining Healthy Eyes?

A healthy lifestyle leads to many cures for eye problems like cataracts, low vision, muscular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetics retinopathy. All this can become troublesome over time and needs an optometrist (eye care specialist). 

Today, the section covers some essential tips that will lead to excellent eye care, being at home only. So, let's read out all these tips and then start providing a sustainable life to the eyes. 

1. Healthy Diet

A healthy diet means you have to cut down on fast foods, processed & packed foods, etc. You have to have Vitamin A, E, C, and many other ayurvedic superfoods or supplements for sound and healthy eyes. Now comes the question, where do you get these? It is available in your day-to-day grocery and vegetables. Let's find out what a healthy diet refers to here?

a.Green leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage, kale, broccoli, etc. 

b.Sea Food like Fish (salmon, tuna, sardines, etc.)

c.Fruits including citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, etc.), apple, and others

d.Non-meat protein sources like eggs, nuts, beans, etc. 

2. Cut Down On Alcohol

Alcohol and Smoking are two significant concerns these days, which lead to many serious problems. Both of the terms involve danger to the health in any situation. So, the very first step is to cut down on alcohol intake and Smoking. 

Smoking and Alcohol intake makes your eyes miserable. It leads to some severe diseases like cataracts, damage to the optic nerve, and whatnot. Apart from eye damage, it impacts the liver, kidney, and other body organs. So, stopping or cutting down on alcohol and Smoking will likely lead you to healthy eyes. 

3. Workout

Workout or Exercise is something that in any way leads to fitness and a healthy body. For eyes, walking barefoot in the wet grass, meditation, doing Exercise drives the most OK health result. Moreover, Exercise prevents some severe health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, which may help in lousy eyesight. 

Read also: 7 Ways Lifting Weights Can Change Your Life

4. Avoid Long Exposure to Gadgets 

In the present world, where everything has been shifted to desktops, laptops, and primarily on cell phones, 3 out of 5 people suffer from eye problems. The primary concern is low vision, damage to the optic nerve, and in severe cases, it leads to eye surgery. 

Not only eyes, sitting before cell phones and other gadgets will make you suffer from neck, back, and shoulder pain. So it is better to avoid gadgets for better eye protection. But in case you cannot, try not to be in front of these gadgets for long. If you are an office person, try to take a nap after 1 or 2 hours of sitting in front of your gadget. 

5. Regular Eye Checkups 

It is mandatory these days to give a monthly, quarterly check-up to your health. Regular health check-ups lead to determining any emerging health issue. The same goes with eyes; consult your optometrist monthly or quarterly for the best eye care. 

The consultant then may check on all the severe and acute eye diseases. An optometrist uses their experience, knowledge, and tools to determine that you have proper eyesight. It may include check-ups like:

a.Vision tests to determine far or near eyesight.

b.Coordination of the eyes

c.Optic nerve and eye pressure test to spot glaucoma

d.Microscopic and external eye examination, etc. 

6. Avoid Rubbing Eyes 

It is one of the things people do when it comes to normal itching or irritation to something. Simultaneously, it is strictly advisable that you do not rub your eyes when you feel so. Our hands are covered with a host of germs; when we start rubbing, it gets into the eyes and gives us acute or chronic eye disease. Hence, it is advisable to wash it off with cold water rather than rub the eyes.

Final Words:

To sum up, hygiene and eye care are two similar things. Every person must follow these tips to get better eyesight and to gain high-end visions. One can follow a few more tips: use Rose Water, eat Avocado, Avoiding harsh makeup, etc. 

