• 25 year(s)

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Dr. Mukta Singhvi from Apr-95, Surya Path, Jawahar Nagar ,Jaipur, Rajasthan, 302004, India 25 years experience in Speciality Psychology | Hypnotherapy | Marriage and Family Therapists | Kayawell

Dr. Mukta Singhvi

  • Mukta Singhvi
  • Apr-95, Surya Path, Jawahar Nagar ,Jaipur, Rajasthan, 302004, India

About Me

Dr. Mukta Singhvi is a Clinical Psychologist by profession with over 25 years of experience. She is a certified Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Spirit Release Therapist and Karuna Reiki Grand Master, Her experties also include Prana violet healing, Aura and Colour Therapy, Future Life Progression and Psychic Surgery. Age regression hypnotherapy (or “hypnoanalysis”) Fears and phobias Addictions Habit control Pain management Psychological therapy Relaxation Skin disease Soothing anxious surgical patients Sports performance Weight loss etc.

  • Specialties

  • Psychology | Hypnotherapy | Marriage and Family Therapists
  • State License

  • Rajasthan
  • Language

  • English | Hindi
  • Landmarks

  • Jawahar Nagar

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