AB Negative Blood

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AB Negative Blood

AB Negative Blood Type Personality

Are you an AB Negative Blood Donor ?

Well if yes, you are one of them unique who may gift life to others. This is all I am saying because only 0.6% people have the same AB Negative Blood group of the total population. AB Positive (3.4%) is potential universal plasma donors which is the special need for AB Plasma. To being the rarest blood type, AB Plasma is universal and can be used for all patients regardless of their blood type.

Blood Plasma is a yellowish liquid component of blood that normally holds the blood cells in whole blood in suspension. In other words, it is the liquid part of the blood that carries cells and proteins throughout the body. Plasma is used to treat clotting disorders, burn, and shock victims.

Minimum Age and Weight to Donate Blood:

Your Minimum age to donate blood should be 17 years,  and minimum weight to donate blood should be almost 110 pounds (50 KG) but obviously in generally good health. You can donate plasma every 28 days. 1 in 167 people have AB- blood (approximately .6% of the population).

Who can receive AB negative blood?

AB Negative and AB Positive people

You can receive AB negative red blood cells if you are: 

AB Negative 

AB Positive 

What blood can AB negative people receive?

Any Rh Negative Blood Type

People with AB negative blood can receive donations from:

AB negative donors

O negative donors

A negative donors

B negative donors

Blood Type Compatibility


Blood type


                   Can Give to



Can Receive From


O Positive

O+, A+, B+, AB+

       O+, O-

A Positive

A+, AB+

       A+, A-, O+, O-

B Positive

B+, AB+

      B+, B-, O+, O-

AB Positive

AB+ Only

      All blood types

O Negative

All blood types

      O- only

A Negative

A-, A+, AB-, AB+

      A-, O-

B Negative

B-, B+, AB-, AB+

      B-, O-

AB Negative

AB-, AB+

      AB-, A-, B-, O-













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AB Negative Blood Type Facts:

1. The Rarest Blood Group & Universal Plasma Donor:

The blood type is also the rarest blood types among all the blood group because it is present in only 1 out of 167 individuals. This means an approximately 0.6% of the population has an AB negative blood. Not all of the ethnic groups share the same proportions of the AB negative blood type though.

The nature of antigens present in the serum determines the blood type. AB negative suggests that an individual has both the antigens A and B. Individuals who are AB blood group are commonly called universal plasma donors because their plasma can be transfused to any person of whatever blood group.

2. Inheritance Patterns:

The ABO gene found on chromosome 9 determines the ABO blood group system. A & B genes are co-dominant in relationship, making the expression of both antigens A & B when either alleles A or B is present. Blood Group AB has both A and B antigen on red cells but with neither A or B antibody in the plasma.

How is AB Negative blood type inherited?

•If parental blood groups consist of A and B, the child’s blood group will either be one of O, A, B, or AB.

•If parental blood groups consist of A and AB, the child’s blood group will either be one of A, B, or AB.

•If parental blood groups consist of B and AB, the child’s blood group will either be one of B, A, or AB.

•If parental blood groups consist of AB and AB, the child’s blood group will either be one of A, B, or AB.

3. Plasma Type Compatibility: AB Can Only Receive AB:

Blood Type AB doesn’t carry both the A and B antibody, making blood type AB group to be only compatible in receiving plasma from blood group AB. However, as a potential universal plasma donor, blood type AB plasma can be given to all blood groups.

4. Has No Rh factor:

Rh factor is an additional marker in the blood. This can be classified as either Rh positive or Rh negative. This marker is only used for genetic differences. An AB- blood type is Rh negative. The lack of Rh antigen occurs in about 15% of people.

The exposure of Rh negative individuals to Rh cells, even in small amounts can result to anti-D alloantibody production. It usually happens by either pregnancy or transfusion. This can cause hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn as well as hemolytic transfusion reactions.

5. Primary Benefits and Challenges

Blood Type AB individuals share the benefits and challenges that both Blood Type A and Blood Type B individuals may face. However, AB type individuals may principally carry either A-type characteristics or B type characteristics. But it can still be a mixture of both A and B.

6. Blood Type AB Personality

An individual with blood type AB has been associated to being spiritual and intuitive. Also, they are significantly friendly, empathetic, trusting, emotional and passionate.

7. Diet Recommendations

Low stomach acidity has been linked to Blood Type AB individuals. This causes the lack of ability to metabolize food efficiently and often, intake of meat is being stored as fat. Smaller, frequent meals are recommended. Especially in stressful situation, individuals of this blood type should avoid alcohol and caffeine. Food suggestions include green leafy vegetables, seafood, dairy (like kefir and yogurt), tofu, sardines, tuna and salmon.

8. Exercise Recommendations

Exercise can be very beneficial for Blood Type AB individuals especially in the maintenance of healthy emotional balance and stress reduction. It recommended performing a mixture of both aerobic physical exercise like biking or jogging and calming activities like yoga or meditation.

Why is AB negative blood so important?

It’s the rarest blood type.

AB negative donations are extremely versatile, but because it is the rarest blood type finding new donors can be a challenge.

Plasma from AB negative donations can help treat patients of all blood types, however fresh frozen plasma is only produced from male donations. This is because female donors (especially those who have been pregnant) can develop antibodies that, while no danger to themselves, can prove life threatening to patients transfused with their plasma.

To avoid waste and to achieve the balance of plasma and red cells required by patients, we manage AB negative donations differently to other blood groups.

We encourage our male donors to donate as frequently as possible while asking female donors to wait to donate until contacted directly by us.

As the scarcest blood type, relatively small changes in the number of donations collected or requested by hospital can have a dramatic and immediate effect on the amount of AB negative we store.

At these times, we rely on the support of all AB negative donors to help prevent waste and ensure patients continue to receive the blood and blood products needed to save and improve lives.

AB Negative Blood
