Just as you get your eye and hair color from your family, your double chin may also be the result of genetics. If your family members have a double chin, this enhances* the probability of you receiving one, as well. Genetics will often affect the water retention rate, as well as your body’s fat storage, which are two factors attributed to double chins. Eating habits also play a role in the development of a double chin.
A double chin may also be the consequence of the natural aging process. It is normal for your skin to loosen and to lose* muscles as you age. Your chin also has muscles present, which can slacken and add to the risk of developing a double chin.
Excess Weight
One of the most common causes of a double chin is excess weight or body fat. If you are obese or even overweight, then you should expect to develop a double chin. However, even if you are not overweight, you may still be at risk to develop this double chin.