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Pertaining to hormones and the glands that make and secrete them into the bloodstream through which they travel to affect distant organs. The endocrine sites include the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, pineal gland, thyroid, parathyroids, heart (which makes atrial-natriuretic peptide), the stomach and intestines, islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, the adrenal glands, the kidney (which makes renin, erythropoietin, and calcitriol), fat cells (which make leptin). the testes, the ovarian follicle (estrogens) and the corpus luteum in the ovary). Endocrine is as opposed to exocrine. (The exocrine glands include the salivary glands, sweat glands and glands within the gastrointestinal tract.)

When the endocrine glands or its hormones malfunction, a number of signs and symptoms may arise. A disease of a specific endocrine gland or dysfunction of one or more of its hormones may cause very specific signs and symptoms. Below is a list of generalized clinical features associated with endocrine disorders. Other non-endocrine disorders may also have to be considered as a possible cause of these signs and symptoms.
Endocrine disorders are typically grouped into two categories:

Endocrine disease that results when a gland produces too much or too little of an endocrine hormone, called a hormone imbalance.
Endocrine disease due to the development of lesions (such as nodules or tumours) in the endocrine system, which may or may not affect hormone levels.
The endocrine's feedback system helps control the balance of hormones in the bloodstream. If your body has too much or too little of a certain hormone, the feedback system signals the appropriate gland or glands to correct the problem. A hormone imbalance may occur if this feedback system has trouble keeping the right level of hormones in the bloodstream, or if your body doesn't clear them out of the bloodstream properly.
