. Overuse: The most common cause of tendonitis is overuse, which means a tendon is overly stretched and possibly experiencing a small degree of pulling apart or tearing. This occurs when there is an increase in activity, which can include anything from walking to participating in competitive sports.
. Abnormal foot structure: Problems such as flat feet or high arches can create muscular imbalances that put stress on one or more tendons.
. Trauma: A foot or ankle injury can cause tendonitis. This can occur with a sudden, powerful motion like jumping. Another form of trauma is chronic rubbing against a shoe, which most often occurs at the top of the foot or heel, resulting in tendonitis in those areas.
. Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions that cause general inflammation can lead to tendonitis. Inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and spondyloarthropathy can cause Achilles tendonitis or posterior tibial tendonitis