Goyal Hospital and Research Centre Pvt. Ltd. was established in
1989 by Dr. Anand Goyal with a vision to provide many different facilities
under one roof. Goyal Hospital is a unique example of a Multi Super Specialty Medical Institution of modern times. Goyal Hospital provides comprehensive care
to patients from all over Western Rajasthan. The Hospital believes in the
policy of ploughing back its earnings for further improvements of hospital
services. Adhering to its promise, it is constantly upgrading its facilities.
Following its core philosophy of valuing human life above all, Goyal Hospital
continuously strives to provide newer standards of medicine with a human touch.
It's no wonder then that today the name Goyal Hospital is synonymous with care.
The right doctors make a great hospital, for they are the ones who set the
direction, bring in the skills and expertise and ultimately heal the patients.
Then there are the visionaries who take a hospital to the new medical frontiers
- in terms and technology, procedures and therapy. At Goyal Hospital, there is
a happy mix of both expertise and vision.

Goyal Hospital is a landmark in Western Rajasthan for tertiary
care services . To provide the best of the care and facilities to its patients
, Goyal Hospital has a created huge infrastructure over period of 24 years.
Covering the minutest of the detail , our commitment is comparable to none.
We have over 30 specialists and super-specialist doctors providing
the expert knowledge and skills. We have around 35 dedicated critical care bed
manned round the clock with the best of
Intensive care doctors , nurses and techniques.
We have 4 state of the art operation theaters with laminar air
flow to provide the safest environment during surgery to the patient.
Our Emergency Unit is equipped to tackle a range of medical and
surgical emergencies, manned with doctors and nursing staff round the clock.
With the rising trauma, we provide the fastest and most sophisticated treatment
We are very proud to know that the doctors, nurses, technicians
and other support staff , working and trained at our hospital have been
selected for jobs at the best of the institutions in India and Abroad both in
government and non-government sector.
The level of competence and skill of staff at Goyal Hospital is
Our range of facilities is comparable to the most advanced centers
in the country with equal competitiveness and sophistication.

The aim of Goyal hospital & Research center is to deliver
world-class health care with a service focus by creating an institution
committed to the highest standard of health care excellence in patient care and
scientific knowledge & medical education
From last
twenty five years. GHRC is consistently growing and this success is due to the
comprehensive care that is provided to patients from all over Western
To provide many different specialties under one Roof.
• Care
• Compassion
• Comfort
To promote Healthcare and Wellness preventive medicine and quality
care at most
Competitive costs Our motto at ghrc is to care for your better
Since 1989
GHRC is working towards a vision to provide quality medical & Emergency
care at affordable cost to the people of western rajasthan. Today GHRC is the
center of excellence for health care .At GHRC the most important
Factor in
delivering world class care is to always remember human value of care
compassion and comfort of the patient and that always takes precedence on
everything else.