Heart &
General Hospital is based in Jaipur and established in the year 1987. The hospital
is one of the best private hospitals Jaipur, India that offers contact numbers,
Reviews and Ratings, facilities, services, photos, and Google maps listed on
Hmsdesk. The address is 7, Vivekananda Marg, C-Scheme, Jaipur, Rajasthan
302001. The patient can get procedure costs by organ or specialty, book
appointments of the hospital doctors, online consulting, download hospital
profiles for more details.

Heart &
General Hospital, Jaipur is established in 1987 with the aim of providing comprehensive
medical resources under one roof, While maintaining the very best standards of
excellence. Since the inception of the hospital, it's lived up thereto dream,
and has built a stellar reputation for complete care-giving. Not only have the
foremost renowned specialists been brought together here, but our consistent
investment and belief in technology has ensured that anyone who involves us
gets the advantage of absolute best that life science can provide.
Our Mission
Providing world class
facilities in cardiology, cardiac surgery and other super specialty services to
the people at door step and at the most affordable cost.
Our Vision
To attain the goal of
providing around the clock state of art care to at least one and every one
regardless of class, creed or religion.
Dr. Prakash
Director and Chief Interventional Cardiologist, Heart & General Hospital
Ingle Department of cardiology we've a operienced Warn of 6 Cardiology (P.M. & DNB degree in cardiology) headed by Dr. Prakash Chandwani chief interventional cardiologist gut. 1 Spars of vast experience. Our expertise is in Coronary Angiography, Coronary Angioplasty, Peripheral Angiography, Angioplasty, Carotid Angiography and Angioplasty. BMW, BPV, BAV, Pacemaker, Implantations, to supply sophisticated medical aid we've state of art EP Machine and performing EP study and RFA. Beside this within me state we are the sole hospnalwbo have Rota Macnine.treat calcified blockages.

In addition to standard
cardiac surge, including CMG, valve replacement surgery and .raightforward
congenital defects’ unit has made endeavor to Wing the leading edge of
technology to the town. Within Department of Cardiac Surge, there's a team of
three experience qualified specialists with MCP degree in C.T. Surgery .Senior
CT Surgeon having quite, year experience. These specialists are .11 lime. Besides,
there are: Two senior consultants of Cardiac Anesthesiology MCI 6 years’
Our Services: 
• ECG Services
• Radiology/X-ray facility
• Ventilator
• Intensive Care Unit