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Which would be better to control blood pressure – Concor or Olmezest?

Question: I am a 42 years old male taking Concor (5 mg) once daily to control blood pressure (BP). Now, I have changed to Olmezest 20 for more than a month. Which medicine is better – Concor or Olmezest?

Which would be better to control blood pressure – Concor or Olmezest?
High Blood Pressure
Created by Rahul Singh (2442 day ago )
  • Answer:If your blood pressure was controlled with Concor (bisoprolol) and there were no side effects, there is hardly any reason to change the medication to Olmezest (olmesartan) since there is no advantage in such a change over. Moreover Concor (bisoprolol), apart from lowering blood pressure, is also cardio-protective. Side effects of Olmezest (olmesartan) include hypertriglyceridemia, dizziness, vertigo, bronchitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, back or skeletal pain, arthritis, haematuria, chest pain, fatigue, flue-like symptoms, peripheral oedema (accumulation of water), hyperglycaemia (diabetes), hyperuricaemia (gout), hyperkalaemia (high potassium levels), abnormal liver function tests and rarely, rhabdomyolysis (muscle toxicity that can be very serious).

     i Answered by:  Dr Chandra M Gulhati 

     Editor, MIMS,
    New Delh

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