About Alpha Feto Protein (afp) Lab Test

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Alpha Fetoprotein test is performed on a sample of blood to measure level of Alpha Fetoprotein in blood.It is performed to detect Liver Cancer
Also known as
AFP test, Serum AFP Blood, Alfa Fetoprotein Test, Fetoprotein Test, Alpha Fetoprotein, Serum AFP
No special preparation is needed for AFP. Inform your doctor if you are on any medications or have any underlying medical conditions or allergies before undergoing AFP. Your doctor depending on your condition will give specific instructions.
A blood sample of minimum 5mL is required for this test.
The normal result for AFP for Alpha Fetoprotein is < 40 micrograms per litre when not pregnant for Female gender and for All age groups, < 40 micrograms per litre for Male gender and for All age groups.